80/20 Rule

Written by:

Sheena Batura, MS, RDN, CSOWM, LD

Registered Dietitian

Setting realistic goals and having a flexible perspective is important when changing behavior. Expecting perfection or having an all-or-nothing attitude about these changes doesn't encourage lasting change and has the potential to pose a negative impact on mental health by leading to binging or other unwanted behaviors. 

Moderation and flexibility are essential to sustain realistic lifestyle changes without inducing stress or sacrificing overall enjoyment. Enter the 80:20 rule! This philosophy challenges thoughts of perfectionism regarding behavior change and encourages moderation.

The 80:20 rule can be defined as:

  • 80 percent of the time, act on behaviors, choices,  and actions that support your long-term health goals 
  • 20 percent of the time, allow yourself flexibility away from structured programs

For example, perhaps 80 percent of the time, you choose to prepare foods that promote long-term health at home, whereas 20 percent of the time, you enjoy a meal out with your family at your favorite restaurant that doesn't necessarily follow a predetermined plan. 

Remember, during that 20 percent, you have some flexibility. Try to make healthy choices when dining out, but if you occasionally indulge in something less nutritious, don't beat yourself up about it. The key is balance and enjoying the journey to better health without unnecessary guilt.

While maintaining focus on your goals is crucial, the key lies in prioritizing long-term commitment to change. And most often, positive behaviors are permanently adopted when designed without extreme or rigid rules.

Written by:

Sheena Batura, MS, RDN, CSOWM, LD

Registered Dietitian